Friday, March 30, 2007

Library Thing

I have created my Library Thing account and added 5 titles. I could see how this would be useful for Reader's Advisory purposes. A great place to keep track of all of the books you have read.
Here is the link to my Library Thing Catalog, If any of the Learning 2.0 advocates are reading this, I would love to know how to post a clickable link. For example, if I had any blog readers they could click on Library Thing Catalog and it would take them to my catalog.


Well, I have spent some time exploring as a part of my participation in Learning 2.0. I definitely need more time to play with the site and see what it has to offer. I can definitely see the potential use of this program. However, I can also see that it is not a perfect solution. Perhaps it is palatable, instead of delicious? People definitley have different interpretations for the words they use to tag. I found it similar to doing a search on google or ask, you take the good you take the bad.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Libraries and Social Networking Sites

Well, this week's assignment is to write about what we think about Librarians and Social Networking Sites. This is a tough one for me. I definitely can see their potential for publicizing and marketing library events and programs. On the other hand, I can also see how they can also be too much of a good thing. I don't have time to maintain the friendships I have now. And to be honest, I didn't choose to work in a public library because I wanted to be friends with all of the patrons or extend my social network, so to say. I guess I am still mulling over the whole concept. I'll leave it at that. In the meantime, I am off to create my own MySpace account. Maybe that will change my mind.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

RSS Feeds, Part 2

Well, I have fiddled around some more with RSS feeds. I had to stop when I realized I had 36 feeds. Yikes! I added feeds for a couple of collleagues, as well as the feed for the PI. I found it much easier to just add the sites that I normally surf. Once I had a few of my favorites in my bloglines feed, I discovered that when you opened it there was a button you could select called "related feeds." I found this to be very useful finding other feeds that would be of interest to me. I put in one of my favorite children's review blogs and using this tool, found a whole bunch more.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

RSS Feeds aka Week # 4 or Lesson # 7

I can't believe we are on lesson 7 already. I have been scrambling around the web setting up my RSS feeds. Oh yay, another set of login and password to remember! I can definitely see how using Bloglines would be a timesaver, if I can only find time to read it once I have it set up. I must admit that I have always wondered what was going on behind those orange boxes. Now I am in the know.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Sand Castles

Sand Castles
Originally uploaded by mycornerwindow.

I have spent some time playing with some of the flickr toys. I can see their potential, but there is also a time suckage factor there. With the software I have, I have to first load them to the computer, then to Flickr, then I have to manipulate them. Still, I am very pleased wtih my mosaic from our trip last summer to Sand in the City in Olympia. The event was much more fun than I had anticipated and there is even a farmer's market at the site. I believe the kids most enjoyed digging in the big sandbox they provided for attendees.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Introducing The Knight

Knight Hansen 2006
Originally uploaded by mycornerwindow.

Well, now that you have seen pictures of the prince and princess, you should meet the knight, as well. Here he is in all of his regal glory. Okay, my mother instinct to give equal attention to all three has been satisfied.

Happy (belated) Birthday!

Lil and Doll 2006
Originally uploaded by mycornerwindow.

Okay, now that I have figured this out, I can see how this would be habit forming. This is the Princess. It was her 4th birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday, Princess!! Much fun was had by all. We had Tinkerbell party hats and Barbie 12 Dancing Princess party blowers. What more could a four year old want? Although, I must admit that we aren't winning parents of the year again in 2007. Part of her birthday fun was spent at the dentist getting her teeth checked. I am sure you'll be happy to know it was all good. Also, now that she is four she likes to wear long sleeves. I now believe anything is possible.

Chopper Bike

Chopper Bike
Originally uploaded by mycornerwindow.

Okay, I am grying to insert this photo, the proper way via Flickr. Wish me Luck!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Flickr and Chopper Bike

Third time is a charm, they say. The challenge for KCLS Learning 2.0 is to create a Flickr account, load a picture into the account and put it into a blog posting. Well, I have successfuly created a Flickr account and loaded 6 photos. However, I am having some problems getting the picture into my blog. Twice I have tried and have failed. However, I have been able to import the picture from my hard drive. What is up with that ?
This picture is of a chopper bike that the husband and the local neighborhood guys built last summer. Unfortunately, when it was completed they realized it was too small for them to comfortably ride. They are now creating a newer, super size version that they can enjoy. However, as you can tell from the pic, PS enjoyed it very much.