Friday, March 30, 2007

Library Thing

I have created my Library Thing account and added 5 titles. I could see how this would be useful for Reader's Advisory purposes. A great place to keep track of all of the books you have read.
Here is the link to my Library Thing Catalog, If any of the Learning 2.0 advocates are reading this, I would love to know how to post a clickable link. For example, if I had any blog readers they could click on Library Thing Catalog and it would take them to my catalog.

1 comment:

KCLS Learning 2.0 said...

Clickable links work like this:
- type in the text you wish to link (aka 'mycornerwindow's book catalog')
- highlight the text with your mouse
- click on the link button in the formatting toolbar (it looks like a chain link)
- enter the URL you wish to link to
- save your new entry

And off you should be. You can also set up a library thing display in your blog (or elsewhere) via the widgets page mentioned in today's lesson.